Spread Kindness
Spread Kindness
ThumbsUp SMILES Project
The ThumbsUp4Kindness Smile project is pretty simple commitment to Inspire Kindness.
Learn more about the ThumbsUp4Kindness program and how you and school can participate in our program.
Our gold is to have 200 school in all 50 states and a frw school around the globe to be a part of the globe in the next two years. See how you might be able to be a part of the
#ThumbsUp4Kindness Project
Anyone can be a part of the Thumbs up for Kindness Project. Parents,friends, aunts,neighbors, police & fire fighters, bannkers, truck drivers ... anyone can be a part of the program. Find out how you can inspire your community.
Inspire the World with Kindness
Giving not only makes you feel good, it also makes you stronger.
We feel happier when we perform acts of kindness.
People who are kind and compassionate are usually the most successful.
We increase [children’s] feelings of happiness and well-being, reduce bullying, and improve their friendships by teaching them to be givers of kindness.
Random acts of kindness don't just benefit the ones you gift, but also help your own mental health.
When you are grateful and practicing random acts of kindness… the result is inner calm, clarity of thinking and a heart full of love.